Can He be trusted?
From when I was a little girl I have been in many weddings and to many weddings. Started out as being top choice for flower girl, then singer and guest and now also bridesmaid and maid of honour. And on this special day, in our modern times, there’s a passage we love to read which is taken from the Bible: “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.” It’s not expressively said but this passage could have concluded with “love is a risk”. Love is a risk we take towards another person. It’s a gamble we take with our hearts: sometimes it pays off and sometimes it doesn’t. But either way, it keeps us alive and that’s what makes it so beautiful.
There was once a king who once made a statue of himself and commanded every single person in that kingdom to bow down to it. Whoever disobeyed this order, would be thrown into a fiery furnace. There were 3 friends who lived in that kingdom who sworn allegiance to God and made a vow that they would bow to no one and nothing apart from God. The king gave them an ultimatum. They chose God. And this is what they said to the king: “O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, Your Majesty. But even if he doesn’t, we want to make it clear to you, Your Majesty, that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.”
“Even if he doesn’t...we will never” is the promise they made to themselves and to the One they loved the most. The One who made them and knew them better than anyone else. And who has the power to give and take their life either way. They promised loyalty to Him. BUT. What if He didn’t save them? What if they died? Could He be trusted to come to their rescue? Worse, what if He didn’t care?
These have been questions that millions have asked themselves from the beginning of time. Can He be trusted? We go on in life on our own, being self sufficient. A Destiny’s child’s song taught me from a young age to be an independent woman and to need no one to thrive in life. But we were never designed to live on our own, God never wanted us to live independently from Him. So He allows situations. Situations that will push us out of our comfort zones. Situations that will push us to the limits and bring us to the end of ourselves. Situations where we are forced to our knees and we can’t help but look up to the heavens. Because no one takes risky decisions when they’re comfortable. And without taking risky decisions, you will never experience the sweeter song, what could truly be. This is good, but what if there’s something better on the other side? What if God has something better in store for me?
Mind you, I’m not talking about ingratitude with what we have or where we are. I’m talking about a deep gut instinct within you that there is something more. That this isn’t it but there’s something better out there for you. There’s a path carved out for you that leads to a secret garden. It could be anything: jobs, relationships, locations. But that path is not popular and the fear of making a mistake cripples us into staying in the same spot. And so we wish we could move, but then we don’t. We fear disappointment: what if I risk it and I loose it all? What if it doesn’t pay off? What if I don’t get what I wish for?
We fear being alone: taking risks it’s something that we do by ourselves. It’s an individual decision even if taken with others. What will my family, friends and loved ones think of me? How will they judge me? But most importantly, what if God doesn’t come with me like He promised? And so we stay in that same place of comfortability. We stay in what we know instead of venturing out in the unknown.
Well, I want to know. I’m tired of staying in the same place. My life has been stagnant for so long it’s been screaming for a change for the longest time and this is the only way to bring a change, to take a risk. It’s scary but I want to know. I don’t know what’s going to happen and I have no control over it but I want to know. I might loose some friends over it cos they will not get it but I want to know. I might lose it all, my life even but I want to know. I need to know and I’m ready to know.
When Jesus died on the cross He took a massive risk with us: He didn’t know if we were gonna believe Him or not. But He did it anyway. He didn’t know if we were gonna love Him back but He did it anyway. He didn’t know if we were gonna trust Him with our deepest secrets or through our pain but He did it anyway. He took that risk and He still takes it every day. For me. For you. We might not know the future but we know the One who holds it. Therefore, He’s worth taking any risks for. In the Chronicles of Narnia, Mr Beaver declares talking about God “Safe? Who said anything about being safe? Course He isn’t safe. But He’s good. He’s the King, I tell you.”
Take risks, follow the still small voice inside of you, and trust that the One who called you, will hold you by your hand and lead into your future. But even if He doesn’t , He is still Elohim, the Living God and He will make sure that everything will work together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. That’s you. He is faithful.
Be brave,
Anna Noelani